Riddell Axiom 3D

Axiom3D FAQ

What is Axiom3D?

Axiom3D is a new premium Axiom helmet line with position-specific models for QB and OL/DL position groups. The design blends the advanced safety features of the Axiom with 3D-printed lattice liner technology. This was an effort to address position-specific criteria set forth by the NFL for helmet manufacturers. Our process turned out the highest-ranked helmet according to the 2024 NFL & NFLPA Helmet Laboratory Testing Performance results.

Where and how can I buy an Axiom3D?

Axiom3D helmets are currently available at the NFL level only. We expect to offer them to other levels following the 2024 season. Axiom models (non-position-specific) continue to be available for adult/varsity players at high school, college, and NFL levels.

If I have a current Axiom, can I get the new facemask? If so, how?

Contact your local Riddell sales rep for more information on existing Axiom product details and facemask upgrade options.

 How many models of Axiom3D are there?

Axiom3D comes in three models, including a standard version and models for QB and OL/DL position groups.

What type of fitting process does the Axiom3D require?

Just like the other helmets in the Axiom line, Axiom3D rocks Riddell’s special Tru-FitTM fitting tech. It’s all about customizing that padding inside to fit you just right, with different thicknesses and shapes for comfort and safety. Plus, we use proprietary 3D scanning and a special algorithm to make sure each player gets the perfect fit.

How does NFL’s helmet Laboratory Testing ranking compare to the Virginia Tech ratings?

Each year, Virginia Tech and the NFL release helmet rankings that tell you how good helmets are at keeping your head safe from all angles based off of laboratory impact testing. While they test similar methodologies, they both approach it a bit differently. They test the helmets in different ways, like where impacts occur and how they measure the results. Knowing these variations can be extremely helpful when you’re picking out your helmet. You can dig into all the nitty-gritty details and results on the NFL’s player health and safety page and Virginia Tech’s helmet testing site.

If you have any additional questions, contact your Riddell Sales Rep. If you are not yet connected to your local rep, head to www.riddell.com and click “Find your rep” in the “Team Resources” tab at the top of the page.

Where can I find more information on Riddell products?

Visit us at www.Riddell.com and follow @RiddellSports on InstagramXFacebookTikTokLinkedIn, and YouTube for more information on our products.